Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I love Targets new TV ad showing such things as the new movie night which is staying home and watching a DVD. It shows the new coffee spot which is at a bistro table in your own kitchen. With the drastic changes in the economy the past few weeks, we are all having to make changes.
On the news tonight was a segment about people giving up important medications in order to have money for food. I can identify with that. Even though we have Kaiser (Brian will have it again in January), prescription drugs are a major part of out monthly cost of living. Yes, I did get a grant for Letairis, and Brian will hopefully get his next two months of aricept free from the drug company. There are other drugs we take to help our disease processes. Each month I have to decide which ones I feel I can get by without and which ones I really need. Month before last, I went without prednisone. My doctor freaked when I told him because I guess you can’t quit cold turkey like that. This month I went without my thyroid and my chloresterol meds. Those of you who heard me talk this month probably noticed how gravelly my voice was. This happens when I go without my thyroid med.
The news said that pharmacys are noticing a major change. There are a lot more prescriptions for anti-depressants and a lot of people are not refilling some essential drugs that could mean the difference between life and death, such as high blood pressure pills and anti-seizure medications. The news offered 3 solutions: 1) see if your drug manufacturer offers help in defraying the costs of your meds. 2) See if there are generic drugs available that offer the same benefits as a brand name drug. 3) If you have to cut back on your meds, talk to your doctors about which ones are the most necessary and which, if any are not. What ever you do, do not quit your meds cold turkey for even a short time as I did my prednisone since that is dangerous.
I think the next year will be a series of financial ups and downs. I think we all will rethink our spending habits as the Target ad is already showing. Talk about being in tune with today’s consumer! I commend Target for their insight. We have to decide what is important to living a full-filling life and what is not. I think we are going to find that things we couldn’t live without before are not that necessary now. My hope is that we become happier people without the stress of keeping up with the Joneses. By cutting back on spending hopefully we can cut back on our work hours and take time to enjoy our families and friends and to just smell the roses.


Jacey said...

Fortunately, I don't have to make choices on which medications to go without, but I do, sometimes, have to choose which bills to pay. Sometimes you just don't have money for them all, and it's not just frivolous stuff. The Comcast is always the first to drop out, but sometimes it has to be Kaiser or another essential. I do, however, always pay my mortgage and student loan - they have me until I'm dead!

Dee Dee Hunt said...

yes, comcast is always the first to go. Today we just got the uverse bundle from AT&T. It is less than comcast per month and covers my phone, internet and tv along with a dvr. We are so excited that we get about 200 channels. Now I can watch the wedding cakes your mom talks about!

Anonymous said...

I have a single mom friend that has had cable on and off so many times I've lost track. I am lucky with meds right now my dr. has been good at giving out the samples. But when I have to buy them they add up quick! I like to take certain vitamens ect. and I have found they also add up sometimes I rotate them to every other day.