Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Sunday, October 19, 2008
It just amazes me that we have such amazing friends. Not that they are amazing but that we have so many. Brian and I do not go out much. (Some days we work at the art of doing nothing. Won't be long before we have that perfected!) If we do, it is usually with Wendy or Kevin, our kids, or Kim and Wayne, our best friends who just happen to be Brian's sister and her husband. And they are so wonderful about helping us if we need it. Getting us drinks so that we don't have to get up off our butts. Helping Brian find the bathroom maze that he faces whenever we go out. That is so nice, but they are family and they are more in tune with what we are going through. But our friends do the same things too. Last night at our Disney meeting, if we needed anything, someone was there who was better able to get it for us. If we needed trash thrown away, it was gone. It humbles me when people help us. I had to learn to accept it because, frankly, it sure makes living easier. But our friends do it without thinking twice about it. And that is what amazes me. The capacity of the human heart to care and to love unconditionally. That is one of our greatest reasons to go on battling our disease processes. To all of our friends and relatives...thank you. You are what makes us want to keep going each day. Thank you!

1 comment:

Jacey said...

Those of us who love you, and are amazed at what you manage to do everyday, are always happy to help!