Sunday, January 25, 2009

In Memory

On Saturday Brian and I went to a memorial for one of our friend’s mother. It was very nice, with many people sharing wonderful memories of her. As with all funerals and memorials I have attended, I think the people who have passed would have loved to hear the wonderful words spoken about them. People should know how much they are loved and how well thought of they are, before they die. Why do we wait until somebody has passed away before we tell them how much they mean to us? Why do we wait until it is too late to recall the good qualities of a person? We share memories and laugh and cry. It does help us cope with the grief of losing a loved one but I think the person who needed to hear it the most can’t hear it at all. I would rather have a celebration of life than a celebration of death. When I realize my time is up, I am going to have a Going Away Party (also known as Going To Hell in a Handbasket Party). I want to hear what people think of me. I want to know if I made a difference in someone’s life. I want to laugh and burble (Jenny’s word for me when I cry at anything that strikes an emotional chord in me) with all of my friends as they tell stories about me. I want to celebrate my life; how thankful I am to have been here; for Brian and Wendy and Kevin and the rest of my wonderful family; for the joy in my life and for the sorrow, that has made me appreciate the joy even more. And when I die, we will know that nothing was left unsaid and we have no regrets between us. And hopefully I will be remembered for enjoying life instead of remembered for dying.

1 comment:

Jacey said...

I completely agree with you. Why is the est party thrown for you once you're dead. What a waste! I love your idea of having a Going Away Party. Or maybe we should just play that damn board game "Life Stories" again.