Monday, September 14, 2009

The Rest of the Story

While we were waiting for the x-ray, I convinced the nurse to call ICU and see if one of my nurses was working. She got Deedee (one of my favorite nurses) who explained to her the seriousness of the situation. After getting the x-ray, the ER Doc finally called my doctor who was not happy since by that time, the drug was out of my system. I didn’t see that ER Doc again. It was decided that I had to stay in the hospital until I could get another cath put in and start the remodulin all over again. Being that I was on coumadin, (blood thinner) I couldn’t have the surgery ‘til Monday or probably Tuesday, since it was a holiday weekend. I was given Vitamin K over the weekend to counter-act the coumadin and a specialist was called to come in on Monday’s holiday, to do the surgery. I was not happy to have to have the cath put back in since it wasn’t fun the first time. A father and son team do this surgery for Kaiser North and the first time I had the father do it. The second time the son put it in. His team was wonderful. I explained the pain I had had the first time and he said that they usually use the lowest amount of anesthesia possible and increase it if necessary. I told him that if I became extremely witty, as opposed to witless, then he needed to increase the dose. So he started with a higher dose and everything went much better (although I still can’t play the piano). After that, it was off to the ICU and I started back on Remodulin that afternoon as if I hadn’t been on it at all. I was feeling better on Thursday and came home. Now I keep a couple of loops on my catheter to allow for more give if the cath is accidentally pulled (yes, you may call me Loopy).
I should have died....if I hadn’t just started on the medication and was on a low dose, I would not be writing right now....I was lucky...and we learned what we need to know should something happen again. I have names and numbers to write letters regarding my treatment. I have a way to get hold of my Dr. in an emergency. There is a note posted on my file that says to call him if I have problems with my cath or Remodulin as well. Sometimes you have to learn things the hard way...Luckily the end result is good.
Thank you for all of you who kept me in your thoughts and prayers. Life would not be so precious but for the love of family and friends. And that is the rest of the story.

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