Thursday, August 20, 2009


Well, my doctor is back and I go into the ICU at Roseville Kaiser on Monday to start the Remodulin. I may be pretty sick the first few days until we get my dosage adjusted. The nurse with Acreedo, the company who supplies Remodulin came over last night. She went over how to prepare the drug for infusion and how to change and clean my line. She was excellent in her explanations. It takes some time and strict adherence to cleanliness and sterility. Kim and Wayne sat with me through the lesson so that they understand what is involved in case I need help. They are so supportive of Brian and I, going to support groups and learning what they can to help us. We could not be going through this without their help. It is scary knowing I am going to go into the hospital only to get sick, when most times you go in to get better. The end result will hopefully enable me to breathe better. Sometimes you have to take the bad with the good and this is one of those times. I am happy to be going on Remodulin instead of Flolan which is twice as much work and has to be kept on ice. You know me, I love the heat and carrying an ice pack 24/7 isn’t my idea of cool. So next time you see me, I will be the one with the oxygen tank on one side and the Remodulin pump on the other. I will have to accessorize accordingly!

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