Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I received a call yesterday afternoon to get my catheter put into my chest today. It was an experience that I don’t want to repeat as it is painfully uncomfortable. But the team were so nice and tried to make me as comfortable as possible. I have a tunnel catheter that comes out above my left breast. The tube goes inside up my neck and then down into my juggler vein. Tonite it is pretty sore. I have to call my Dr. tomorrow and I imagine I will go into the hospital soon to start the med, remodulin. The food and drug administration approved a inhalation form of the drug this past week but the drug won’t be available for a few months. My dr. didn’t think I could wait for it since when I saw him it was still going through the approval process. Tomorrow we are checking out a program through Sutter that may work for Brian, for in-home care, meds, drs. and everything he would need. I have great hopes that we can get involved in this program. They would be on top of any new meds that may work for him. He is doing ok. He can still laugh and joke with me. I am worried about him when I go into the hospital since he depends on me so much and is scared when I am not around. Four days could be a long time for him. But he can come and spend the day with me in my room and will have family around to care for him. I just like to keep him happy and not worried.

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