Monday, November 17, 2008


Wendy and the Kids were over yesterday. While the Kids and I did crafts, Wendy did some cleaning for me and washed a load of clothes. I made a stoup (cross between soup and stew) and biscuits. Joshua and Melissa say Grandma makes the best biscuits, so I usually make them when they come over. My Grandmother made biscuits every night for dinner. She never measured her ingredients. She had a drawer in her kitchen that was lined with metal and held her flour. She would make a well in the flour and put all her ingredients into it. Then she mixed it up adding her milk until the consistency felt right. She would pull off a chunk of dough, roll it between her fingers into a flattened ball and put it in her metal biscuit pan. The biscuits would cook up light and fluffy. They were the best biscuits I have ever had. When I was a teenager and doing a lot of cooking, I asked Grandma for her recipe. She didn’t have a written recipe and just used a pinch of this and a pinch of that. I sat there while she made her biscuits and when she took of pinch of this and that, I measured it before she put it into the mixture. Grandma is gone but I still have her recipe and think of her every time I make biscuits. Bisquick makes a good biscuit that with a little tweaking, tastes every bit as good as Grandma’s, but I still like to make mine from scratch just like she did. Now, when I make biscuits, Joshua and Melissa bring their barstools over to the counter and make them with me. After washing their hands, we measure and mix and pat and cut. They roll the biscuit dough in butter and place it in my biscuit pan. The biscuits come out light and fluffy and practically melt in our mouths. It makes me so happy to know that Grandma’s biscuit tradition continues with the next generation.


Brian said...

Great, now I'm hungry for biscuits! I can almost taste them. I mean, I'm really hungry for them now. Also, rememeber Triangle Things? Those were the BEST!

Jacey said...

I also have a biscuit tradition. It is near and dear to my heart and was passed down from Nana and Papa. It's called "Go to Read Lobster and Eat Several Baskets of Cheesy Biscuits Before They Bring You Your Meal." Everytime I partake in the tradition, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy!

Jacey said...

Um...this blog is now four days old. I'm ready for a new one, Deeee Deeeeeeeee!